Integrated Services and Solutions

The agricultural division of DAL Engineering is dedicated to offering farmers in Sudan and the surrounding region with quality products and services for a wide variety of agricultural activities from land preparation to harvesting. The company strives to provide its clients and partners with agricultural solutions tailored to the region that increase productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Locally, the division serves all agricultural sectors ranging from small-holders and commercial farming projects to the sugar industry. The unit’s activities are not limited to Khartoum; its Medani branch serves the Gezira Agricultural Scheme, which is the largest irrigation project in Africa. Other branches operate in Gadarif, Port Sudan, and Nyala. Recently, two new branches were established to serve the Sinnar and Blue Nile states, respectively.

DAL Engineering acts as agent for leading international brands such as, Valtra, TATU Marchesan and Pottinger. It has also recently launched an input and fertilizer unit that, along with its machinery business, aims to cover all production inputs for the agricultural sector.